14: Aim Higher, Please!
In the fourteenth episode of Bantha Fodder, Mike and Jacob discuss the known castings for the young Han Solo movie that's set for 2019. The two of them struggle over the pronunciation of the lead actor's surname and Rebellious Landino makes his studio debut.
In the fourteenth episode of Bantha Fodder, Mike and Jacob discuss the known castings for the young Han Solo movie that's set for 2019. The two of them struggle over the pronunciation of the lead actor's surname and Rebellious Landino makes his studio debut.
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Show Notes:
- Han Solo: A Star Wars Story
- Christopher Miller and Phil Lord directing
- Who auditioned to play Han?
- Who actually auditioned to play Han?
- Alden Ehrenreich on imdb
- Is Han Solo in Rogue One?
- Ehrenreich's 3 movie deal
- Donald Glover on imdb
- Casting announcement
- Glover comments on the role
- Glover's high school photo
- Childish Gambino
- Sana Solo on starwars.wikia
- Sana Solo rumored to be involved in plot
- Naomi Scott is a crazy talented singer
- Kurt Russell auditions for Han Solo
- Harrison Ford auditions for Han Solo (bonus clip)
- No footage found of Christopher Walken auditioning for Han Solo
- Kevin Spacey as Christopher Walken auditioning for Han Solo
- Because we know you're interested:
- Longer take of Harrison / Mark's casting call
- Carrie Fisher / Harrison Ford casting call
- More found on WishItWas1984's YouTube channel
- Follow the show!