18: No Sequel, Kid
In the eighteenth episode of Bantha Fodder, Mike and Jacob do some Star Wars news catch-up and talk about 'Elstree 1976', a documentary about 'Star Wars' unsung heroes and forgotten faces and the legacy the film left on them.
In the eighteenth episode of Bantha Fodder, Mike and Jacob do some Star Wars news catch-up and talk about Elstree 1976, a documentary about Star Wars' unsung heroes and forgotten faces and the legacy the film left upon them.
Show Notes:
- News
- Elstree 1976
- Elstree 1976 on Wikipedia
- Elstree 1976 on IMDB
- Directed by Jon Spira
- Score by Jamie Hyatt
- Laurie Goode's story and song
- Star Wars Kid
- David Prowse spoils Return Of The Jedi reveal?
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